Select the organizational resource in the tree.
From the Authoring section of the action bar, click Resource Balancing
The Resource Balancing panel displays. This is the global panel showing
the operations assigned to all the working resources under the selected
organizational resource.
The colored rectangles in the bar chart show the operations assigned to each
resource. By default, the operations are represented by blue rectangles.
Parallel operations (that is, operations that are done at the same time on a
given resource) are represented by red rectangles.
From the Authoring section of the action bar, click Resource Utilization Gantt
The Gantt chart shows that some of the operations are sequenced, others are not.
Drag an Unloading operation from WorkerA to WorkerB.
The operation is added to WorkerB.
In the same way, drag another Unloading operation from WorkerA to WorkerC.
The operation is added to WorkerC. The Gantt chart is also updated to show that the
operations are now added to WorkerB and WorkerC.
Sequence the operations in the Gantt chart.

The bar chart and the information in the table are updated
accordingly (total time, utilization, and so on).

Select a rectangle representing an operation in the WorkerA column
of the bar chart.
The rectangle changes from dark blue to light blue and a
tooltip gives information about the operation. The operation is also
highlighted in the tree.
Right-click an operation.
A context menu displays, allowing you to create, edit, or delete time analyses, or
to modify operation properties.
Create a time analysis on the operation.
For more information, see the
Time-Motion Study
User's Guide.
Right-click the operation and select
Properties, then change
Time mode to
Analyzed time in the
Properties dialog box.
Right-click the
Total Time cell in the table.
Time Type Defined on Operation.
The bar chart is updated to show analyzed time on the
operation with the time analysis.