What's New

This section describes recent changes in Equipment Allocation.

R2022x GA

Managing Implement Links Between Resource and System

A new method is available to see the resource at each operation of a system.
Benefits: This lets you create an implement link from a resource to a system. The resource assigned to the system is used for all operations under the system.

Managing Documents on Manufacturing Objects

You can now manage attachments and specifications through the reference link of any manufacturing object using the Documents command.
Benefits: The addition of the Documents command allows you to manage document attachments from rich client authoring sessions.

Loading an Item's Implemented Products

A new Load Implemented Products context menu command lets you load, on the fly, the product structure from an item. It is available on Manufacturing Assemblies and Provided Parts with multiselection capabilities.
Benefits: This allows you, during planning, to use the Measure command and other commands which require the 3D representation.