Defining a Part Position

You can define a position for parts on an operation that has implemented items. Part position is taken into account for product buildup, systems simulation, assembly simulation, and so on.

Before you begin: Open your content, which includes product, item, and system structures, and start Equipment Allocation.
  1. Right-click an operation that has implement links to items and select Part Position > Define Part Position .

    Note: If you select an operation that does not have implement links to items, you can select items directly in the tree.

    The Define Part Position dialog box appears, which lists the implemented items.

    The Robot is attached to the product assigned to the first item. A context toolbar is also displayed.

  2. If required, use the commands of the context toolbar:
    • Cumulative Snap : You can select any geometric element from the selected product and snap it to other geometric elements of the other products. All the selected products move to the new position.
    • Attach/Detach /: On launching the command, the Robot is snapped to the center of the first selected product in attached mode. To modify the position of the selected products, you can move the Robot to any position. All the selected products simultaneously move relative to the Robot. In attached mode, the Robot is colored orange.

      If you want to put the Robot in a different location, you must detach the Robot from the product. You can then place the detached Robot anywhere in the work area without moving the products. In detached mode, the Robot is colored gray.

    • Restore Position : You can restore the position of the selected products to their design position relative to the root product.
    • Activate/Deactivate Dynamic Clash : When dynamic clash is enabled, you can detect if the defined position is in collision with the environment when the objects are moved using the Robot.
  3. Use the Robot to position the products assigned to the items.

  4. Click OK in the context toolbar to define the part position.
  5. Click Play in the Compass to simulate the system.
    The part position is taken into account in the simulation.

  • To remove a part position, right-click an item in the Define Part Position dialog box, then click Remove.
  • To remove all part positions, right-click the operation in the tree, then Part Position > Remove Part Position.