Creating FEMs Using Standard Meshing Procedures

You can use the standard Automated FEM method to create solid and surface meshes for multiple bodies using basic parameters of mesh type, element order, size, sag, and thickness (for shell elements).

You can also use this method to import and mesh point fasteners in the model.

Note: You cannot use this method to create a FEM for geometry from a geometric set.

See Also
About Automated FEM Methods
Correcting Finite Element Model Problems
Checking the Mesh
  1. From the Automated FEM section of the action bar, click Automated FEM , and then select Standard.
  2. From the Initialization Supports options, select a method for initializing the geometry supports used for the FEM.
    Main bodiesCreates the FEM for the primary 3D geometry in each 3D shape (the part body, a solid body, or one volume in an ordered geometric set).
    All geometriesCreates the FEM for all 3D geometry in the assembly, including part bodies, bodies, and ordered geometric sets.
    Visible geometries Creates the FEM for visible geometry only.
    Selected geometriesCreates the FEM for the geometry that you select.
  3. From the Initialization Method options, select a method for initializing the mesh.
    Default Creates a solid or surface mesh for the specified geometry using the default solid or surface mesh parameters.
    Specify Provides options to choose element shape, choose element order, specify a mesh size and sag, and create knowledge parameters for the mesh.
    Note: Knowledge parameters are created only when you create multiple meshes with the same dimensionality in a single FEM. For example, you do not get knowledge parameters if you mesh a single body or if you mesh one 2D and one 3D body.

    For more information about specific mesh parameters, see the Mesh Creation user's guide.

  4. Optional: Select Read fasteners from design to import point fasteners from CATIA Fastener apps.
  5. Optional: If you are reading fasteners from the design, select Create Automated Specification to save the detection tool options so that you can regenerate the connections after a model change. For more information, see Structural Model Creation: About Automated Specifications.
  6. Click OK to save the current settings and to close the dialog box.