Opening Finite Element Model Representations

In most cases when you open a FEM representation, any other representations and data required to complete the analysis model are also opened.

See Also
Finite Element Model Representations

The finite element model representation for an assembly is not useful without the representations, positions, and constraints of all the included components. The interactions between these components can be complex. For example, the FEM representation for an assembly might include FEM representations and shapes for the products that it contains. Each of these FEM representations might contain multiple meshes, only one of which is used in the assembly.

When you open a FEM representation from search results or from the explore window using the Open command from the context menu, the required items from sub-products are also opened. If you use the Open Advanced command, the items opened depend on the options you choose. The following table indicates the items that will be opened based on the command and options used.

CommandItems opened
OpenSelected FEM + meshed product + pointed FEM representations and 3D shapes + substructure
Open Advanced

  • with visible expanded children
  • without representations

Selected FEM + meshed product
Open Advanced

  • with visible expanded children
  • with 3D shape representations

Selected FEM + meshed product + 3D shapes under the meshed product
Open Advanced

  • with visible expanded children
  • with all representations

Selected FEM + meshed product + all representations under the meshed product
Open Advanced

  • with expanded children from database
  • without representations

Selected FEM + meshed product + pointed FEM representations and 3D shapes + substructure
Open Advanced

  • with expanded children from database
  • with 3D shape representations

Selected FEM + meshed product + pointed FEM representations and 3D shapes + substructure + 3D shapes under substructure nodes
Open Advanced

  • with expanded children from database
  • with all representations

Selected FEM + meshed product + pointed FEM reps and 3D shapes + substructure + all representations under substructure nodes