Optimizing Elements

You can optimize elements to improve a localized area of the mesh.

Before you begin: Create a surface mesh in the finite element model representation.
Note: Any mesh editing operation that modifies the mesh topology (deletes or adds nodes or elements) will result in a loss of the association between the mesh and the geometry.
See Also
Editing Meshes
  1. From the Operate section of the action bar, click Meshing Editor , and select a surface mesh from the finite element model representation.
    The Mesh Editor opens.
  2. From the Edit section of the action bar, click Optimization .
    The Select toolbox appears.
  3. Choose a selection method from the toolbar.

    • Click (default method), to select all elements in a mesh domain.
    • Click to create a bounding box and to include only the elements that are within the box.
    • Click to create a bounding box and to include the elements that are within the box and the elements that are intersected by the box.
    • Click to select all elements from the model.
    • Click to create a group of element faces by propagation. Select element faces and specify the propagation angle in the by face angle > box; any faces that are connected to the selected faces by an angle greater than the specified angle are included.
    • Click to select a neighborhood of elements—a group of elements that border your selected elements. For element faces, the neighborhood includes elements that share an edge with your selection; for elements, the neighborhood includes elements that share a face with your selection.
    • Click to select elements that are bad according to the specified mesh quality criteria so that you can review and repair them.

    When you confirm the selected elements, the mesh is optimized. The optimization process attempts to correct poor element shapes, remove or add element edges, and generally improve the mesh.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Select more elements to optimize.
    • Click Optimization or select another editing action to end the optimization procedure.