Remeshing an Area

You can generate a new mesh in a selected area.

Before you begin: Create a surface mesh in the finite element model representation and open it in either the Mesh Editor or the Surface Mesher.
Note: Mesh editing operations that modify the mesh topology (delete or add nodes or elements) can result in a loss of the association between the mesh and the geometry. In general, when editing in the Surface Mesher, association is maintained; when editing in the Mesh Editor, association is not maintained.
See Also
Editing Meshes
  1. From the Edit section of the action bar, click Remesh .
    The Remesh Area dialog box and the Select toolbox appear.
  2. Specify an element size, or select Compute size automatically to use the average element size from the surrounding mesh.
  3. Select Enforce mesh specifications to preserve the mesh specifications, for example, the mesh specification around a hole.
  4. Use one of the methods from the Select toolbox to select the area to remesh:

    • Click (default method) to select all elements in a mesh domain.
    • Click to create a bounding polygon and to include only the elements that are within the polygon.
    • Click to create a bounding polygon and to include the elements that are within the polygon and those that are intersected by the polygon.
    • Click to create a bounding box and to include only the elements that are within the box.
    • Click to create a bounding box and to include the elements that are within the box and those that are intersected by the box.
    • Click to select all elements from the model.
    • Click to create a group of element faces by propagation. Select element faces and specify the propagation angle in the by face angle > box. Any faces that are connected to the selected faces by an angle greater than the specified angle are included.
    • Click to select a neighborhood of elements—a group of elements that border your selected elements. For element faces, the neighborhood includes elements that share an edge with your selection; for elements, the neighborhood includes elements that share a face with your selection.
    • Click and position the cursor next to a hole or an area that is missing a mesh to preview the automatic selection area, including any previously created nodes.
    Note: When using the trap methods with three-dimensional parts, your selection includes any elements from the far side of the model that are within the trap area.

    Each time you select a domain, you can validate or cancel the selection. When you confirm the selected area—by clicking for manual selection or by selecting OK in the Confirmation window for trap selection—the new mesh is generated. All multiselected domains are remeshed at once.

    Node positions for free edges within the remesh area can be redefined to better suit nearby element sizes.

  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click OK to keep the changes made to the mesh and to end the remeshing procedure.
    • Click Cancel to return the mesh to its previous form and to cancel the remeshing procedure.