Defining a Rule to Remove Beads

You can define a rule to specify beads in the geometry that you want to be ignored by the meshing process.

Before you begin: The Meshing Rules Editor or All Parameters dialog box must be open for creating or modifying a surface triangle or surface quad mesh.
See Also
Creating and Modifying Meshing Rules
  1. Select the Features section, select Beads as the feature type, and select Remove bead.
    The Remove Bead dialog box appears.
  2. Define the beads you want to be affected by the rule.
    1. To specify a parameter, enter a value.
    2. To remove a parameter, click the clear field icon.

    If you clear a field, no threshold value will be imposed for the corresponding parameter.

  3. Click OK in the Remove Bead dialog box.

All the beads that correspond to the defined parameters will be ignored by the meshing process.