Defining a Rule to Remove 3D Holes

You can define a rule to specify 3D holes in the geometry that you want ignored by the meshing process. Rules for holes do not apply to holes cut by a vertex.

Before you begin: The Meshing Rules Editor or All Parameters dialog box must be open for creating or modifying a tetrahedron, surface triangle, or surface quad mesh.
See Also
Creating and Modifying Meshing Rules
  1. Select the Features section, select 3D Holes as the feature type, and select Remove hole.
    The Remove Hole dialog box appears.
  2. Define the holes you want considered by the rule.
    1. To specify a parameter, enter a value.
    2. To remove a parameter, click the clear field icon.

    If you clear a field, no threshold value is imposed for the corresponding parameter. You can enter values for the Maximum diameter, Minimum diameter, or both.

    The diameter of the entire hole must be between the minimum and maximum values for the hole to be removed. For example, a counterbored hole with the counterbore (large diameter) larger than the specified maximum is not removed even if the base diameter is within the specified range.

    The figure below shows the cross-section of 3D hole types that are recognized; holes might be blind or extend through the body.

    3D holes might also be in curved surfaces, and they need not be perpendicular to the external faces.

  3. Click OK in the Remove Hole dialog box.
    The new meshing rule is displayed in the List. From the List, you can edit, remove, or deactivate the rule at any time.

All the holes with a diameter between the minimum diameter and the maximum diameter are ignored by the meshing process.