Creating X-Y Plots from Expressions

You can create X-Y plots from expressions run on one or more previously created X-Y plots.

Before you begin:
  • You must have X-Y plots created from history output data or field output data.
  1. From the Plots section of the action bar, click X-Y Plot from Expression .
  2. Optional: Enter a descriptive Name.
  3. From the X-Y Curves list, pick a curve to begin the field expression.

    A variable of the form, $xyn, displays in both the Expression field and the X-Y Variables list.

  4. Optional: Select Allow variable to reference multiple curves to specify more than one curve for a variable.

    This is useful for Reduction operations, such as Sum, Average, Min, or Max.

    1. Multiselect the curves you want included in the first part of the expression.
    2. Click Done.
  5. Select an operation or series of Operations to apply to the selected curves.

    You can expose different sets of available operations by selecting Trigonometry, Functions, Filters, or Reduction:

    Note: While unary operations (like sine or square root) accept a single argument, binary operations require you to add a second curve to complete the function.

    The Expression field displays the variables and the operations.
  6. Optional: Change the Units displayed on the X-axis and Y-axis.
  7. Optional: Select Deactivate existing curves from the current chart to render only this plot in the X-Y Plots Viewer.
  8. Click OK.

The X-Y Plots Viewer displays the graph of the data selected.

When you create an X-Y plot from an expression, it is listed as XY Plot From Expression.n in both the Feature Manager and in the tree. You can edit the plot definition using context menus in the Feature Manager or the tree.