Customizing the Visibility and Style of a Plot

Before you begin: You must have a contour plot, isocontour plot, symbol plot, or color code plot displayed before you can modify plot options.
See Also
Displaying Contour, Isocontour, and Symbol Plots
Controlling Geometry Rendering
  1. Do one of the following to display the Plot Options:
    • Click the results plot, and select the plot options tool in the context toolbar.
    • Double-click the results plot.
    • In the Results tabbed page of the Feature Manager, display the Plots list and then either double-click the plot you want to modify or highlight the plot and select Edit.
  2. To display rendering options, click the Rendering tab.
  3. For symbol plots, you can select Hide model.
    Selecting Hide model hides the model from view leaving only the point, tensor, or vector symbols visible. Clearing Hide model shows these symbols superimposed over the model.
  4. From the Visible edges options, select one of the following:
    Outline Includes the feature edges.
    Mesh Includes the feature edges and finite element edges.
    None Hides the model edges.

    If you select Outline, you can also choose an Edge angle. The edge angle is the minimum angle between adjoining element faces required to show an edge in the display. The edge angle must be greater than zero and less than 90°. Larger edge angle settings result in fewer displayed feature edges.

  5. Specify the Shell Style:
    None Renders the shell with no thickness.
    OffsetRenders the shell with no thickness at the midplane of the thick shell. The displacement of the shell from the reference surface is determined by the Thickness Scale Factor and thickness (Offset) data specified in the analysis element property definitions.
    ThickRenders the shell with thickness at the actual location. The thickness is determined by the value selected for the Thickness Scale Factor and thickness data specified in the analysis element property definitions.

    Offset and thickness are derived from the model definition for the shell elements. The thickness represents the actual material thickness of the shell or membrane elements. The offset represents how the actual material is positioned in the shell normal direction relative to the modeled element.

  6. Specify the Thickness Data Source for the rendering thickness, either Section or Field.
  7. Specify the Thickness Scale Factor, expressed as a multiplier, to enhance visibility.

    The Thickness Scale Factor allows you to scale up (exaggerate, factor > 1.0) or scale down (diminish, factor < 1.0) the displayed thickness of shell elements. For Offset shell styles, the Thickness Scale Factor multiplies the offset value.

  8. Select Show section results at elevation to visualize the results at the relative elevation along the shell thickness.

    Shell elements and continuum shell elements display in a wireframe view with a surface at the elevation inside the element that corresponds to the section point for which results are displayed. For shell elements, the wireframe view corresponds to the Thick shell style.

  9. Click Close to exit the editor.

The plot changes according to your specifications.