When you create a stream manually, you first define a "rake," which is a line segment with a series of points (or "tines") specified along its length that control the locations where streamlines display for a fluid flow analysis. Rakes are placed into an area of interest in the fluid flow. When you create and display the stream in the work area, the number of streamlines displayed in the plot corresponds to the number of tines on the rake. When using the rake method of seeding, you must select the flow direction (downstream, upstream, or both directions simultaneously). When you use automatic detection as the method of seeding, you specify only the number of tines. This number determines the density of streamlines across the inlet. The stream is then seeded from the inflow or outflow boundaries, and Physics Results Explorer calculates the streamline direction automatically. You can display streamlines on both contour and symbol plots and on the deformed or undeformed plot shape. You can customize the appearance of streamlines to change their color (constant or based on the contour value), thickness, presence of directional arrows, and whether they are displayed beyond the boundaries of the selected display group. You can edit, display, hide, and delete the streams you create from the Feature Manager in the Results tabbed page. In addition, you can animate streamlines from the Options tab of the Animations Options dialog box. |