Video Options

The Save video tab of the Animation Options dialog box provides several options for generating an .avi movie file from any animation sequence. While other screen capture tools might drop or repeat frames as a result of regular sampling rates, you can use the Save video options to preserve the integrity of the animation on a frame by frame basis.

Option Description
Filename Name for the generated .avi or .mp4 file. Alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, underscores, and special characters (such as *, @, and #) are all eligible.
Note: The Simulation Results Analyst role is required to access the H.264 codec required for .mp4 output.
Size Establishes the dimensions of the video output in pixels. Specify the required width and height.
Playback Select the speed at which the video plays back using one of the following:
  • Frames per second: Frame rate for playing back the animation.
  • Total time: Total length of the animation in seconds.
CodecCompression program available on your system.
Configuration options Configuration options for a codec.
Information Information about the codec.
Keyframe every Frequency of keyframe capture. Keyframes are snapshots at moments in time that are used to build animations. Keyframes include the entire content of the frame, not only the parts that changed. Increasing the keyframe capture frequency improves the video quality but increases the size of the animation file.
Compression quality Relative quality of the output. Move the slider to change the quality. For codecs that support a quality specification, compression is on a scale of 1 to 100.
Include history plotIncludes the history plot in the saved animation. Specify the size and position of the embedded history plot:
  • Size: History plot representation as a percentage of the total video frame area in pixels of the animation.
  • Position: X: Horizontal position from left side of the animation. Y: Vertical position from bottom edge of the animation.