Defining Result Axis Systems

You can define three types of result axis systems to position your model relative to a coordinate system. The coordinate system overlay provides a reference point that can help you visualize and measure deformation resulting from a simulation.

See Also
Modifying or Deleting Result Axis Systems
Creating Display Groups by Entities
  1. From the Setup section of the action bar, click Result Axis System .
    The Create Result Axis System dialog box appears.
  2. Optional: Enter a Name for the result axis system.
  3. Specify the Type of result axis system:
    Rectangular The X-, Y-, and Z-axes correspond to the 1-, 2-, and 3-axes for the transformed results.
    Cylindrical The R-, θ-, and Z-axes correspond to the 1-, 2-, and 3-axes for the transformed results.
    Spherical The R-, θ-, and φ-axes correspond to the 1-, 2-, and 3-axes for the transformed results.
  4. Specify the Motion:
    Fixed Select this option to fix the position and rotation of the result axis system in space regardless of the motion of the model.
    Follow nodal movement Select this option to fix the position and rotation of the result axis system to the selected node in your model designated as the origin. As the model deforms in sequential steps and frames, the result axis system moves with the model.
  5. If you selected Follow nodal movement, specify the Technique:
    Enter via keyboard Input the coordinates for the origin, a point along the 1-axis, and a point along the 1-2 plane.
    Pick from display Select the origin, a point on the 1-axis, and a point on the 1-2 plane by clicking nodes on the model.
    Origin and 1-2 plane Select the origin and a point on the 1-2 plane.
    Points on a circle Select three nodes representing the arc of a circle directly from the displayed model. The 3DEXPERIENCE platform computes the origin and the two axes using this information.
    Single node Select a single point directly from the displayed model. The 3DEXPERIENCE platform computes the axes using translation and rotation information at this node.
  6. Click OK to create the result axis system and to exit the dialog box.

The result axis system displays on the model. Result axis system information is displayed in the tree under the User-Csys node and also under the Result Axis System tab in the Feature Manager. You can control the display of the result axis system in your model using the Display Groups dialog box. Result axis systems are shown in the Method group when you select Entities.