Customizing the Display of Plots with Complex Data

You can plot the results for complex data; that is, data containing both real and imaginary numbers.

Complex data is step-dependent:

  • If the step contains complex data and the Phase angle is specified, the legend displays units in degrees.
  • If a step does not contain complex data, the Complex options are ignored and the legend displays the original units rather than degrees.

Before you begin: You must have a contour plot before you can modify plot options.
See Also
Displaying Contour, Isocontour, and Symbol Plots
  1. Do one of the following to display the Plot Options:
    • Click the results plot, and select the plot options tool in the context toolbar.
    • Double-click the results plot.
    • In the Results tabbed page of the Feature Manager, display the Plots list and then either double-click the plot you want to modify or highlight the plot and select Edit.
  2. Click the Definition tab to specify the plot content.
  3. Select a Template.
  4. Select an output Variable.
  5. Select one of the following Render values at options to determine where and how values are displayed on the mesh:
    Nodes Determines values at the node of each element. Values are averaged across elements, resulting in smooth color gradations.
    Elements Determines a single value for each element. Values are not averaged across elements, resulting in a quilt type display.
    Element face Determines a single value for each element face. Values are not averaged across element edges, resulting in a quilt type display.
  6. Select one of the following Averaging options:
    Use section boundaries Averages the results using section boundaries for the location.
    No boundaries Do not average the results.
  7. Select the Complex form that you want to plot.

    The following options apply if you have invariants:

    Value at angle (modulus with phase) Displays the combined value of the real and imaginary portion of the result at an angle that you specify. When the angle is 0°, the real part of the result is displayed. When the angle is -90°, the imaginary part of the result is displayed.
    Maximum absolute Displays the largest absolute value for the selected variable over the period. If the envelope maximum is +5 and the envelope minimum is -10, the envelope maximum absolute value is +10.
    Maximum value Displays the maximum value for the selected quantity over the period.
    Minimum value Displays the minimum value for the selected quantity over the period.
    Phase angle Displays the angle between the positive horizontal axis and the plotted point that represents the complex number in rectangular coordinates. This option is available only for display of point symbols and only when the variable selected is a scalar or the refinement selected is a component instead of an invariant.

    The following options apply if you have scalars or tensors:

    Value at angle (modulus with phase) Displays the combined value of the real and imaginary portion of the result at an angle that you specify. When the angle is 0°, the real part of the result is displayed. When the angle is -90°, the imaginary part of the result is displayed.
    Magnitude (modulus) Displays the maximum value for the selected quantity over the period.
    Phase angle Displays the angle between the positive horizontal axis and the plotted point that represents the complex number in rectangular coordinates. This option is available only for display of point symbols and only when the variable selected is a scalar or the refinement selected is a component instead of an invariant.
    Real part Displays the real part of the complex number. Coincides with the value at phase angle 0°.
    Imaginary part Displays the imaginary part of the complex number. Coincides with the value at phase angle -90°.
  8. Click Close to exit the editor.