Associating a Model with Imported Results

You must associate a model with imported results before using some features in simulation apps.

Orphan simulations, by their nature, do not display model data in the tree. There are occasions in which you need access to this model data from within a simulation app, for example:

  • Creating a new camera view
  • Extracting tessellated geometry

In these scenarios you must first create a product and then import the model to enable the appropriate commands.

This task shows you how to:

Create a Product

Create an empty product to associate with the simulation.

  1. Open the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  2. In the top bar, select Add > Physical Product.
    CATIA Product Structure Design opens and a Product node is created in the tree.
  3. From the compass, open Physics Results Explorer.
    The app opens with the Model, Scenario, and Results nodes visible in the tree.

You can now choose a model.

Import and Choose a Model

Import an orphan simulation into Physics Results Explorer and associate the simulation to the Model node.

  1. Import an orphan simulation. See Importing Simulation Visualization Data.
  2. Create and activate results plots of interest. See Displaying Contour, Isocontour, and Symbol Plots.
  3. In the tree, right-click Model and select Choose a Model.
    The Object Selection dialog box appears.
  4. Click the From Session tab.
  5. Click Retrieve Loaded Objects.
    The model you have open is selected in the dialog box.
  6. Click OK.

Model commands are now available for use in your imported results. For example, the Extract Tesselated Shape contextual command is now available from Field Plots. Likewise, Create camera is enabled from the Views dialog box.