Ownership Inheritance

You can select ownership from either business objects or relationships.

The sub-fields of ownership include:

  • Organization--The ORGANIZATION_NAME of the ownership, or blank.
  • Project--The PROJECT_NAME of the ownership, or blank.
  • Businessobject--The ID of the ownership parent business object, or blank, if none.
  • Relationship--The ID of the ownership parent relationship, or blank, if none.
  • Comment--The comment included in the ownership definition or blank.
  • Access--The ownership access mask.

You can select the following kinds of ownerships:

  • Ownerships with organization/project. The organization/project fields appear and the businessobject/relationship fields are blank.
  • Ownerships with a parent business object. The business object field appears and the organization/project/relationship fields are blank.
  • Ownerships with a parent relationship object. The relationship field appears.

Each ownership has a name that is constructed from the previous fields. You can use a name pattern to select a single or group of ownerships instead of retrieving the whole list. You can format the name in one of the following ways:

  • Names for ownerships with organization/project are formatted as ORGANIZATION|PROJECT|COMMENT.
  • Names for ownerships with a parent entity, either a business object or relationship, are formatted as OBJECTID|COMMENT.

For example:

  • select ownership[*|*|*] - gets all ownerships based on organization/project.
  • select ownership[*|*] - gets all ownerships with a parent object.
  • select ownership[OEM|*|*] - gets all ownerships based on OEM organization.
  • select ownership[*|workspace] - gets all ownerships with parent objects and the comment, "workspace."