Business Object Identification Macros

Most programs that use a business object have access to the following.

Business Object Identification Macros
Macro Meaning
TYPE Business object type
NAME Business object name
REVISION Business object revision
ORGANIZATIONThe organization that owns the business object
PROJECTThe project (collaborative space) that owns the business object
OBJECT Full business object specification (Type, Name, Revision).

Do not use double quotes for this macro, since it evaluates to more than a single item and each item (Type, Name, and Rev) in the output will be enclosed in double quotes.

OBJECTID The system generated numerical identification of the object
PHYSICALIDThe physical ID for the business object
LOGICALIDThe logical ID for the business object
MAJORIDThe major ID for the business object
VERSIONIDThe version ID for the business object