Connection Macros

Program objects that are executed as methods have two macros available when launched from a Navigator window.

Connection Macros
Macro Meaning
CONNECTIONID The relationship ID of the connection next to the selected child business object in the Navigator browser.
CONNECTIONDIRECTION The relationship direction (to or from) of the connection next to the selected child business object in the Navigator browser.
PHYSICALID The physical ID of the relationship
LOGICALID The logical ID of the relationship
MAJORID The major ID of the relationship
FROMPHYSICALID The physical ID of the business object or relationship on the FROM side of the relationship
FROMLOGICALID The logical ID of the business object or relationship on the FROM side of the relationship
FROMMAJORID The major ID of the business object or relationship on the FROM side of the relationship
FROMVERSIONID The version ID of the business object on the FROM side of the relationship
FROMORGANIZATION The organization of the business object on the FROM side of the relationship
FROMPROJECT The project (collaborative space) of the business object on the FROM side of the relationship
TOPHYSICALID The physical ID of the business object or relationship on the TO side of the relationship
TOLOGICALID The logical ID of the business object or relationship on the TO side of the relationship
TOMAJORID The major ID of the business object or relationship on the TO side of the relationship
TOVERSIONID The version ID of the business object on the TO side of the relationship
TOORGANIZATION The organization of the business object on the TO side of the relationship
TOPROJECT The project (collaborative space) of the business object on the TO side of the relationship

The connection macros are available only when the program is launched as a method from an object displayed in a Navigator window AND if the object is not the expanded object. Both macros will be empty if:

  • no connection is displayed, as in the case when the selected business object is in a flat browser;
  • more than one connection is shown, as when the selected object is in the center of a star browser or at the top of an indented browser.

In some cases the macros will not even be placed in the RPE. This situation occurs when a method is invoked programmatically (either from a program object or interactive MQL) or if a program is not executed as a method (i.e. from the toolbar).

Most programs that use a connection have access to the following:.

Connection Identification Macros
Macro Meaning


The system generated numerical identification of the connection



Similarly, when used in the context of a connection, programs can access the following macros to identify objects on the ends of the relationship:

From Connection Macros
Macro Meaning


Object Identifier of Connection on "from" end of connection



To Connection Macros
Macro Meaning


Object Identifiers of Connection on "to" end of connection