Delete Business Object for DesignSync File Access

You can remove a specific version of a vcfile or vcmodule from a DesignSync store using the Delete Businessobject command. You can also remove the entire vcfile or vcmodule.

delete businessobject BO_NAME vcconnection [index NUMBER] [version];
delete businessobject BO_NAME vcmodule path PATH [version];

  • BO_NAME is the name of the business object that is connected to the vcfile or vcmodule.
  • index NUMBER is an identifier number unique among all connections. Each connection is assigned one when created and this value never changes. The index number identifies the file or module to be deleted.
  • PATH is the string that identifies the path of folders leading to the vcmodule relative to the path defined in the store indentifying the server.
  • version indicates that the system should remove the version pointed to by the connection and leave all the other versions.

If version is not specified, the entire file is deleted.

Under certain circumstances, the version cannot be deleted. For example, you cannot delete the first version of a branch. In such cases, an error is returned. You cannot remove a module version on the DesignSync server. When deleting a vcmodule, the command only deletes the business object and NOT the module from DesignSync.