Relationship and Business Object Patterns for the Expand Businessobject Command

You can include a list of comma-delimited strings that can include wildcard characters to filter objects.

  • To express the relationships to expand on. For example:
    print bus T N R select from[R*,N*].to.owner;
  • To further filter by the business types on the other end , such as:
    print bus T N R select to[Employee].from[T*].name;

The results are similar to those found with expand bus. The following example illustrates pattern use with a relationship:

print bus Guide “Owners Manual” 2004 select to[N*,S*]
business object Guide Owners Manual 2004
  to[New].from[Chapter].name = Chapter 2
  to[New].from[Photo].name = ‘2004 Red Camry’
  to[Same].from[Chapter].name = Chapter 4
  to[New].from[Chapter].revision = 5
  to[New].from[Photo].revision = 1
  to[Same].from[Chapter].revision = 2

If there are no connections that meet the criteria, such as if to[X*] is specified, the output is similar to:

business object Guide Owners Manual 2004
  to[X*] = False

You can add a pattern for the type, further filtering the output as follows:

print bus Guide “Owners Manual” 2004 select to[N*,S*].from[Ch*].name 
business object Guide Owners Manual 2004
  to[New].from[Chapter].name = Chapter 2
  to[New].from[Chapter].revision = 5
  to[Same].from[Chapter].name = Chapter 4
  to[Same].from[Chapter].revision = 2

About type patterns:

  • Not only are the object types that meet the pattern criteria returned, but also those objects that are a derived type matching the pattern. For example, if the type Page were a sub-type of Chapter in the above example, the output would include Page type objects that were connected.
  • If there are no connected objects that meet the criteria, such as if to.from[X*].name is specified, there is no output.