Validate Business Object or Business Object List

The Validate Businessobject command is used to calculate the current checksums for files owned by a business object and compare those checksums with the values on record for those files.

The commands for validating checksums are expensive operations. For each file to be validated, a compute checksum request is sent to the corresponding FCS and the file is scanned to compute the current checksum.

Also, the validate checksum commands are read-only operations. If a new checksum is different, it will be reported to the output file, but not stored.

The syntax is:

validate businessobject BO_NAME | fcsdbchecksum                | 
                                | fcsfileexist [file FILENAME] |
  • OBJECTID is the OID or Type Name Revision of the business object.
  • The keyword fcsdbchecksum specifies the type of validation to be performed.
  • The keyword fcsfileexist specifies to check for a file with the specified filename.

The keyword businessobject can be shortened to bus.

The Validate Businessobjectlist command is used to calculate the current checksums for files associated with a list of business objects and compare those checksums with the values on record for those files. The syntax is:

validate businessobjectlist BUS_OBJECT_COLLECTION_SPEC fcsdbchecksum;


| set NAME                                                 |
    | query NAME                                               |
    | temp set BO_NAME{,BO_NAME}                               |
    | temp query [TEMP_QUERY_ITEM {TEMP_QUERY_ITEM}]           |
    | expand [EXPAND_ITEM {EXPAND_ITEM}]                       |

You can also use these specifications in Boolean combinations.

The keyword fcsdbchecksum specifies the type of validation to be performed.

The keyword businessobjectlist can be shortened to buslist.