Site Clause for the Add Person Command

A site is a set of locations. It is used in a distributed environment to indicate the file store locations that are closest to the group. The Site clause specifies a default site for the person you are defining. Consult your System Administrator for more information.

To write a Site clause, you use the name of an existing site. If you are unsure of the site name or want to see a listing of the available sites, use the MQL List Site command. This command produces a list of available sites from which you can select. (For more information, see Locations and Sites.)

Sites can be set on persons, groups and roles, as well as on the 3DSpace Service (with MX_SITE_PREFERENCE). The system looks for and uses the settings in the following order:

  • if using a Collaboration Server, the MX_SITE_PREFERENCE is used.
  • if not using a Collaboration Server, or the MX_SITE_PREFERENCE is not set on the server, if there is a site associated with the person directly, it is used.
  • if no site is found on the person, it looks at all groups to which the user belongs. If any of those groups have a site associated with it, the first one found is used.
  • if no sites are found on the person or their groups, it looks at all roles the person is assigned. If any of those roles have a site associated with it, the first one found is used.

Add the MX_SITE_PREFERENCE variable to the 3DSpace Service initialization file (enovia.ini). This adjustment overrides the setting in the person, group, or role definition for the site preference, and should be set to the site that is local to the server. This ensures optimum performance of file checkin and checkout for Web clients.