Downloadable Clause for the Add Program Command

If the program includes code for operations that are not supported on the Web product (for example, Tk dialogs or reads/writes to a local file) you can include the downloadable clause. If this is included, this program is downloaded to the Web client for execution (as opposed to running on the Collaboration Server). For programs not run on the Web product, this flag has no meaning.

add program NAME downloadable;

If the downloadable clause is not used, notdownloadable is assumed.

Due to the restriction that downloaded programs must execute in a deferred mode, there are several cases that need to be addressed by system logic. If just the Downloadable clause is given, then deferred is assumed (for more information, see Execute Clause for the Add Program Command). If the downloadable clause is given, and the execute clause is immediate, an error will be generated. Likewise, if on program modification command a mismatch occurs, an error will be generated that reads:

A program that is downloaded cannot execute immediately.

The Usesexternalinterface clause continues to be supported for historical reasons. Scripts and programs that use this clause result in Program objects which have their execute flag set to deferred and their downloadable flag set.

Java Program Objects cannot be downloadable.