Compile Program

The compile command is useful for bulk compiling and testing for compile errors after an iterative change to the JPO source.

To force compilation before invoking a JPO method:

compile program PATTERN [force] [update] [size PROGRAM_GROUP_SIZE];
  • PATTERN is the name of the program to execute.
  • PROGRAM_GROUP_SIZE is the number of java programs compiled at a time.

When a JPO is compiled or executed, any other JPOs that are called by that JPO or call that JPO must be available in their most recent version. The compile command includes an update option that updates the requested JPO's dependencies on other JPOs that may have been added, deleted, or modified.

When you include the PROGRAM_GROUP_SIZE clause, if a JPO in the group has a compilation error (even if the rest of JPOs have no compilation errors), then all JPOs in the group are not updated.