This command searches the list of defined tables. If the name is found, that table information is printed. If the name is not found, an error message is displayed. For example, to print details about the table named “DescNote,” enter the following:
The following is sample output: MQL<28>print table 'DescNote';
table DescNoteRes
#100000 column
label Description
businessobject description
size 11 2
minsize 0 0
autoheight true
autowidth true
editable true
hidden false
sorttype none
user all
#100001 column label Notes
businessobject attribute[Notes]
size 10 2
minsize 0 0
autoheight true
autowidth true
editable true
hidden false
sorttype none
user all
created Wed Oct 31, 2001 2:57:09 PM EST
modified Wed Feb 20, 2002 2:47:56 PM EST
Since tables have additional uses in support of dynamic UI modeling, the MQL print command suppresses the output of data that is not used. For example, if you print a table that is defined as a system object used for Web applications, the following selects will not be printed: size, minsize, scale, font, minwidth, minheight, absolutex, absolutey, xlocation, ylocation, width, and height. Conversely, when printing non-Web tables, parameters used only for Web-based tables are suppressed from the output: href, alt, range, update, and settings |