User Level
System Administrator
User LevelSystem Administrator SyntaxUse this syntax to issue the validate command.
You can also validate the following items:
Validating Stores and LocationsWhen validating stores and locations, you can use an index file for the validation in place of a file system scan. The index file used for validation is an XML file that contains lists of directories and files and their sizes. These file indexes can be built for a store or location, and can include prefixes. If you want to use an index file to optimize the validation, the MQL command for
index file generation is: Note:
If the index has already been generated less than 7 days before, the previous command will update the index in order not to regenerate all the data which are still valid. For more information, see the Installation and Setup: Administrate: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: 3DSpace: File Collaboration Server: Setting Up the FCS: FCS File Validation The
The The For more information, see the File Collaboration Server Administrator's Guide. |