Customizing a Grid in 3D

You can add a grid to the 3D in the XY, YZ, or ZX plane. Each grid added has a main grid (by default, with darker lines) of broadly spaced squares and a sub grid (by default, with lighter lines) of more densely spaced squares. You can control the color and spacing of the main and sub grid lines. By default, when you add the grid, objects snap to the lines in the grid. However, you can specify a displacement value (for example, 10mm) so that objects snap to the closest lines plus the displacement.

Before you begin: Have resources in your scenario.
  1. Click Create Grid .

    The Grid dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Grid Specifications for both the main and sub grids.
    1. Select the plane on which you want to create the grid: XY-Plane, YZ-Plane, ZX-Plane, or Default.
    2. Specify the spacing between the major parallel lines in the grid by entering the value in Main-Grid Step Size.
    3. Specify the spacing between the parallel minor lines in the grid by entering the value in Grid Subdivisions.
  3. Modify the main and sub grid colors by clicking Grid Color.

    The Select Grid Colors dialog box appears.

  4. Select the main and sub grid colors; click OK.
  5. If desired, set and lock Object Displacement, and click OK.

    By default, Object Displacement is set to 10mm and unlocked . With this setting, objects snap to the grid lines. If locked , objects are snapped 10mm from the closest grid lines. You can also replace the default displacement value.

    An example of an object snapped to a floor with object displacement is below.