Standard and Deep Copy, Cut, Paste of Resources

You can copy or cut and paste resources. Alternatively, you can deep copy or cut and paste resources.

This page discusses:

Copy or Paste of a Resource

When you copy or paste a resource, Paste creates a new instance of the resource.

Copy or paste does not copy the child resources, although they are effectively displayed under the pasted resource.

Both the original and the copied resources point to the same child resource instance, if this instance is removed, the original and copied resources no longer have child resources.

Important: When you paste a resource, the copied resource no longer has definitions any of the links referring to it (such as a balancing link between the operation and resource).

Deep Copy or Paste of a Resource

In a deep copy or paste of a resource, Paste creates a new reference of the resource, using a clone mechanism. All the reference resources under the copied resource are also cloned.

Important: When you paste resources, all the links referring to them (such as a balancing link between the operation and resource) are removed. A warning message asks for confirmation before continuing.

A dialog box appears asking for the naming prefix for the pasted resource.