About Smart Snap

You can use connector ports to smart snap two resources. The command you use is Snap, but by creating precisely defined connector ports, you add intelligence to Snap.

When you select an object in the work area, an axis system representation appears at each axis system. The axis system representation is a connector port that is not part of any constraint. You can use the representation to move the object to other object from smart snapping.

Note: Objects can be snapped when they have common parent.

Select Me > Preferences > Infrastructure > DELMIA Infrastructure > Resource Positioning tab to snap the resources and to change the smart snap options. For more information about snapping the resources, creating a constraint after you snap, and changing connector handle color, see Native Apps Preferences Guide.

As soon as the resource is selected, the smart snap is available through manipulation of axis representation on its unused connector ports. Unused ports are not part of any existing attachment in the layout.

To snap the two objects, you can drag the first resource by selecting its connector port representation over to another resource, which has connector ports. When you drag the resource to the target, the axis representations are unavailable (gray color), shows on the available connector ports of the target resource. The target geometry is displayed as transparent. If a snap solution is found, the port color changes to blue becomes available.

The previewing target port for snap is blue; the other connector port is unavailable. As soon as a resource is selected, the smart snap is available through the manipulation of axis representation on its unconsumed connector ports. Unconsumed ports are ports that are not part of any existing attachment in the layout.

To snap the two objects, drag the first resource by selecting its connector port representation over to another resource, which has connector ports.

When you drag the resource to the target, the axis representations that is unavailable (in gray color) are shown on the available connector ports of the target resource. The target geometry is displayed as transparent. If a snap solution is found, the port color changes to blue.

You can press the PgUp or PgDn key to change the preview to next available solution to have multiple snap options. Resource is snapped to the preview position if you drop the resource to the geometry.