Creating a Template from a 3D Part

You can convert the existing resource objects to templates and can select a product or a resource occurrence from thetree, and convert it into a template.

  1. Click Create Template .
  2. Select the 3D part to create a template.
    TheTemplate dialog box appears.

    The part appears as the template name in the Template Name dialog box.
  3. Enter your selections in the Template dialog box.
    1. Parent selection needed while instantiating: Select Yes (if it is not selected by default) so that you are prompted to select a parent when you choose to instantiate the template. If you select No, the instantiation appears in the active node.
    2. Select Chapter: Choose the chapter in which to save the created template in the catalog or chapter.
  4. To select a chapter, click Search to search the catalog and chapters from the tree.
    The Catalog Browser dialog box appears. Once you select the chapter, the chapter appears in the tree.
  5. Click OK.
    The template is created.
    Note: If the template creation fails, the following are the possible reasons:
    • No rights to save the template.
    • Representation reference creation is not allowed.