Using the System Assignment Assistant

You can manage item to operation assignments using the System Assignment Assistant.

The assistant is a tool for defining assignments through a manipulation of products, but the created links are actually between items and operations. It provides a way to visualize items through products.

Before you begin: Open your session data in Process Planning.
  1. Click System Assignment Assistant and select a system.

    The System Assignment Assistant dialog box appears.

  2. Click a source and destination system/operation from the right-hand and left-hand system/operation lists.

    If you select the command, the dialog box disappears allowing you to select a system or operation in the System Editor. It reappears when a selection is made.

    The System list initially opens with Not Assigned. The list of systems is filled automatically.

    You can select a system for assignment/unassignment of products (or parts). If Not Assigned option is selected, all the products that are not assigned to any system are listed.

    The Operation list shows the operations that are running on the system.

  3. Click the Show Lower Scope Objects check box to display items from lower scopes.
  4. Use the 3D Preview to display the products in 3D viewers, which offer zoom and pan capabilities. Right-click in the viewer to access a context menu:
    • Show in Context: Assigned products are displayed in transparent mode and selected products are displayed normally. Otherwise, all products linked to the selected system and operation are displayed.
    • Show Only Selected: Only selected products are displayed. Otherwise, all products linked to the selected system and operation are displayed.
    • Reframe: The view is reframed after each assignment. Otherwise, the current view is kept.

    The products that are listed for a selected system are the products that are worked by the underlying system. All the operations of a system are used to calculate the list of products available to the system.

    Products are implemented by an item. Items are assigned to systems through their operations. The products are implemented by a system through the operations of the system.

    Some products that have not been implemented by any item. These products will not be listed in the Products column.

    Assign products using the lists in the corresponding part of the dialog box.

  5. Click Close when the assignments are complete.