General Principles
You can move an operation or a system from one system to another by dropping it into a
target system frame.
It behaves as follow:
- Dragging and dropping of an operation or a system tile from its parent system frame to
another results in a structural move. The moved operation or system belongs to the
system where it has been dropped and it is positioned where it has been dropped.
- Dropping an object on an unavailable cell will snap it to the nearest available
To avoid trying to move an operation to an unauthorized grid cell, a "ghost" preview of the
dragged object is displayed during the drag phase. The "ghost" gives a preview of where the
dragged object would be placed if it was dropped at the cursor position. It appears at the
nearest available position it can be snapped in the grid starting from the cursor position.
When you drag an object, the grid automatically centers on the selected
object.When you drag a tile or element from the tree to the border of the viewer, the
grid automatically pans in the direction of the mouse cursor.
Drag and Drop of a 3D Representation
Selecting a 3D representation implies selecting the operation linked to a Provided Part
that in turn is linked to the concerned part.
You can drag a 3D representation from an existing system to another existing system. In
this case, the instance of operation under the source system is deleted and the reference of
the operation is instantiated under the target system.
You can also drag 3D Representations from the Item Editor to the System Editor. For more
information, see Drag and Drop Between Item Editor and System Editor below.
Drag and Drop of an Operation to a System
There are a number of capabilities available for dragging and dropping an operation onto a
- Dropping an operation tile or a system tile and its children from one parent system
to another keeps internal Product Flow and Time Constraint links (inside the same System
structure). Moved tiles must be in the same System structure.
- Dropping an operation or a system and its children from one system to
another keeps external Time Constraints (outside the System structure) if the Keep Time Constraints option in
is selected.
- Dropping an operation tile on an empty grid cell repositions the target operation tile
within a system frame.
- Dropping an operation tile on an operation tile moves the selected operation under the
operation on which the selected operation is dropped.
- Dropping an operation tile on a system moves the operation from the current system to
the target system on which it is dropped. However, there are a number of scenarios that
manage the impacted product flows between operations.
On drag and drop of Load.1 on System S2, Load.1 is moved to S2.

Existing flows between Load.1 and Load.2 are deleted and a message indicates that
a dedicated flow between Load.1 and Load.2 cannot be created since product flow is
On drag and drop of Load.1 on S2, Load.1 is moved to S2.

Existing flows between Load.1 and Load.2 are deleted and a dedicated flow between
Load.1 and Load.2 is created. The dedicated flow between Load.1 and Load.2 is as
- Flow from Load.1 to Port (S2)
- Flow from Port (S2) to Port (S1)
- Flow from Port (S1) to Load.2
If there are any intermediate systems in the hierarchy, the same flow creation
principle is applied. This means that explicit product flows are created between
parent and child systems.
On drag and drop of Load.1 on S1, operation is moved to S1.

Existing dedicated flows between Load.1 and Load.2 are deleted and a product flow
is created between Load.1 and Load.2.
Drag and Drop Between Item Editor and System Editor
When an item tile is dragged from the Item Editor, and dropped on an empty tile in the
System Editor:
- A General system is created.
- A General operation is created in the General system. This operation is assigned to
the dragged item.
When a 3D representation is dragged from the Item Editor, and dropped on an empty tile in
System Editor grid:
- A General system is created.
- A Loading or Point Fastening operation is created into the General
system. This operation is assigned to the Provided Part that is linked to the part
corresponding to the 3D representation.
When an item tile is dragged from the Item Editor, and dropped on an existing system in
System Editor:
- A General operation is created in the General system. The operation is assigned to the
dragged item.
When a 3D representation is dragged from the Item Editor, and dropped on an existing system
in System Editor:
- A Loading or Point Fastening operation is created in the General system. This
operation is assigned to the Provided Part that is linked to the part corresponding to
the 3D representation.
You can select the Automatic creation of loading and
fastening operations option in
. All Provided Parts and Fasten steps that are linked to the Manufacturing Assembly are also assigned.
When an item tile is dragged from the Item Editor, and dropped on an operation tile, an
implement link is created between the operation and item.
Automatic Operation Creation by Drag and Drop of an Assembly
The following capabilities are available when the Automatic creation of loading and
fastening operations option is selected in
Drag and drop a Manufacturing Assembly from Item Editor on an empty tile in System Editor:
- A General system is created.
- A General operation is created in the General system. This operation is assigned to
the Manufacturing Assembly.
- Several Loading and Point Fastening operations are created. These operations are
assigned to the Provided Parts and Fasten steps linked to the Manufacturing Assembly.
Drag and drop a Manufacturing Assembly from Item Editor on an existing tile in System
- A General operation is created in the General system. This operation is assigned to
the dragged item.
- Several Loading and Point Fastening operations are created. These operations are
assigned to the Provided Parts and Fasten steps linked to the Manufacturing Assembly.
At the first drag and drop of a Manufacturing Assembly in the System Editor, all Provided
Parts and Fasten steps linked to the Manufacturing Assembly are assigned. For any subsequent
drag and drop of that same Manufacturing Assembly, only the Manufacturing Assembly is
A Manufacturing Assembly from Item Editor can be dragged and dropped in System Editor on a
system that has a defined scope with the same Manufacturing Assembly. In this case, the same
context applies and a General operation is created under the system.