Migration Batches for Product Flow Data

In V6R2012, the data model for product flow between systems is enhanced but it is impossible to support the coexistence of new and data from previous Releases. Two batch programs are available to enable the migration of data created using previous releases to the new data model.

The Batches and Plug-in Methods section in the 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps describes the common capabilities of the V6 batch monitor (remote mode, and so on).

This page discusses:

Migrating Your Data

Two client batch programs are available: DatabaseFlowMigration and SystemsFlowMigration. These batches must be run by an administrator (or a user with administrator rights).

The DatabaseFlowMigration batch migrates the complete database. It must be run just after installation of the database.

The SystemsFlowMigration batch migrates root systems and their complete structures. The client batch SystemsFlowMigration can be used after importing systems data from a previous release. For example, if an "isolated" root system was imported.

In general, the recommended method is to run the DatabaseFlowMigration batch.

DatabaseFlowMigration Batch

To migrate the database after product and database installation, the administrator must run the client batch DatabaseFlowMigration.

The batch can be launched from interactive session or from an MS DOS window. In both cases, make sure that the Preferred environment option is the same as the one used when the System data was created.

Run DatabaseFlowMigration Directly Using Batch Monitor in a V6 Session

Run a V6 interactive client session and connect as administrator. For example, enter the following in the Connect panel:

User: AdminUser
 Pwd: AdminUser
Role: Admin.Admin.Default

Select Tools > Utility.

Double-click DatabaseFlowMigration in the Batch Monitor panel that appears.

In the dialog box that appears, choose the directory where the report is to be saved and, if required, change the name of the report.

Click Run to execute the migration.

Run the Batch Directly from an MS DOS Window

Run the following command:

catstart -env LocalEnv -run "CATUtil"

Connect as administrator. For example, enter the following in the Connect panel:
User: AdminUser
 Pwd: AdminUser
Role: Admin.Admin.Default

The Batch Monitor panel appears and you can then proceed as described for the interactive session.

SystemsFlowMigration Batch

The client batch SystemsFlowMigration can be used after importing systems data from a previous release. For example, if an "isolated" root system was imported.

You can run a global database migration if you don’t know the root systems that you have imported. Alternatively, you can update by migrating only the root systems you have imported.

If you have imported several root systems, you are recommended to migrate them in one shot by multiple selections of the system roots.

Run SystemsFlowMigration Directly Using Batch Monitor in a V6 Session

Select Tools > Utility.

Double-click SystemsFlowMigration in the Batch Monitor panel that appears.

In the dialog box that appears, select one or more root systems you want to migrate using the search icons.

Choose the directory where the report is to be saved and, if required, change the name of the report.

Click Run to execute the migration.

Run the Batch Directly from an MS DOS Window

Run the following command:

catstart -env LocalEnv -run "CATUtil"

Connect as administrator. For example, enter the following in the Connect panel:
User: AdminUser
 Pwd: AdminUser
Role: Admin.Admin.Default

The Batch Monitor panel appears and you can then proceed as described for the interactive session.