Creating and Assigning Items Automatically

You can drag a product to a system or operation to automatically create and assign the corresponding items. This enables you to easily generate an MBOM structure without creating items manually.

Before you begin: Your PPR context must contain the following objects:
  • A product that is not yet implemented by a system
  • A item scoped with a product
  • A system scoped with an item
Important: The item scoped with the system must be the same or a child of the item scoped with the product.
See Also
About Item to System Assignments
  1. Open your PPR context.

    In the example below:

    • Products P1, P2, and P3 are not yet implemented.
    • MBOM_Root is scoped with Product_Root.
    • System_Root is scoped with MBOM_Root.

  2. Drag products P1, P2, and P3 to operation Op2.
    The MBOM structure is automatically generated. In the example below:
    • A manufacturing assembly is created under MBOM_Root.
    • Provided parts P1, P2, and P3 are created under the manufacturing assembly.
    • Provided parts P1, P2, and P3 implement products P1, P2, and P3 respectively, and are implemented by operation Op2.
