Using B.I. Essentials for Item Assignment Status

You can use B.I. Essentials to manage the assignment status of Items (assignable, assigned, and so on). Items in the tree are colored according to a color code. Item assignments can be done by dragging and dropping item tree nodes onto System tiles.

Before you begin: Open the system to which you require to assign the Items in Process Planning.
See Also
Using B.I Essentials in Process Planning
  1. From the Tools section of the action bar, click B.I. Essentials .
    The B.I. Essentials list appears.
  2. Click Item Assignment Status from the list.

    Colored squares are displayed next to each item node in the tree according to a color code.

    If no System-Item scope is defined, all item nodes remain Non-assignable (with gray squares).

  3. Create a System-Item scope between the root item and the root system.

    The statuses of the item nodes become Assignable, as indicated by the orange squares.

  4. Drag and drop the Manufacturing Assembly node "Assemble.L1b" in the tree to one of the System tiles.

    The Manufacturing Assembly and the associated Provided Part now have status Assigned (with blue squares).

  5. Drag and drop the Manufacturing Assembly node "Assemble.L1a" in the tree to the other System tile.

    The Manufacturing Assembly, the associated sub-Manufacturing Assemblies, and the Provided Parts are now Assigned (with blue squares).

    When you drag and drop an item onto a System tile, an operation is created on the fly. If a Provided Part is dragged and dropped, a Loading operation is created. For other item types, a General operation is created. The created operation has an implement link to the item. The operation is aggregated under the selected system.