Downloading Collaboration for Microsoft Client from the Web UI

You can download the Collaboration for Microsoft client installer from the web user interface from the Utilities menu. On cloud, this option is not available.

You can launch the Collaboration for Microsoft client installer directly when you open Collaboration for Microsoft using the Compass from the web user interface.

This task shows you how to:

Download the Collaboration for MicrosoftClient Installer

You can download the Collaboration for Microsoft client installer from the web user interface from the Utilities menu.

Before you begin:
  • Ensure that the client installers are configured on the server.
  • You must have a Collaboration for Microsoft license assigned to you.
  • Copy the Collaboration for Microsoft client packages to the server in Windows and Unix. The server is located at:
    • GA Installer - SERVER_PATH>\STAGING\ematrix\integrations\MSF\GA
    • HF Installer - SERVER_PATH>\STAGING\ematrix\integrations\MSF\HF
  1. Login using the server URL.
  2. Click on Utilities > Download Collaboration for Microsoft Client
    • R2020x - To install the GA version.
    • HF - To install the latest HF.
    A File Download dialog box appears.
  3. Run the Setup.exe.
    The setup dialog box displays the following two installation options. For more information, see Installation and Administration:3DEXPERIENCE platform:3DEXPERIENCE platform - Installation:DS Installer:Launching the 3DEXPERIENCE App Installation .
  4. Select the installation process and click Install.
    The utility checks the pre-requisites and detects if the installer is supported on the current OS. If any of the pre-requisite check fails, an error message is displayed.

Complete the installation process. For more information, see Installing Collaboration for Microsoft on the Client

  • The option to download the Collaboration for Microsoft client from the web user interface is not available on cloud.
  • You can copy the Collaboration for Microsoft client packages to the server in Windows and Unix. The server is located at: <SERVER_PATH>\STAGING\ematrix\integrations\CollaborationforMicrosoftClient
  • If required, you can re-deploy the server by running the warutil.

Download the Collaboration for Microsoft Client from the Web UI On Cloud

You can install the Collaboration for Microsoft client from the web user interface on cloud when you launch the app using the Compass on cloud.

  1. Log in to 3DEXPERIENCE from the web user interface.
  2. Do either of the following:
    • From your workspace, select any folder.
    • Navigate to any folder in your workspace and select a Microsoft Office document
    • Open Project Management from the Compass, navigate to any folder in your workspace and select a project.
  3. From the Compass, click Social and Collaborative Apps and click Collaboration for Microsoft.

If the Collaboration for Microsoft client is not installed on the system, the installer is launched. After the Collaboration for Microsoft client is installed, the selected folder, document or project opens in Windows Explorer, its native Microsoft Office application or in Microsoft Project respectively.