Download the Collaboration for MicrosoftClient Installer
You can download the Collaboration for Microsoft client installer from the web user interface from the Utilities menu.
- Ensure that the client installers are configured on the server.
- You must have a Collaboration for Microsoft license assigned to you.
- Copy the
Collaboration for Microsoft
client packages to the server in Windows and Unix. The server is located at:
- GA Installer - SERVER_PATH>\STAGING\ematrix\integrations\MSF\GA
- HF Installer - SERVER_PATH>\STAGING\ematrix\integrations\MSF\HF
Complete the installation process. For more information, see Installing Collaboration for Microsoft on the Client
- The option to download the Collaboration for Microsoft client from the web user interface is not available on cloud.
- You can copy the Collaboration for Microsoft client packages to the server in Windows and Unix. The server is located at: <SERVER_PATH>\STAGING\ematrix\integrations\CollaborationforMicrosoftClient
- If required, you can re-deploy the server by running the warutil.