Merging a Master Project having Sub Projects with Project Management


You can merge projects that have one or more sub projects with Project Management.

Required access roles: Author, Leader, Owner

The Link to Project feature of Microsoft Project is supported by Microsoft Project Integration while inserting su bprojects from the local disk to a master project.

You can merge a project that contains sub projects from Microsoft Project to Project Management when:

  • Both the master project and the sub projects are newly inserted into a Microsoft Project file.

    When you merge a new project schedule that has summary task nodes, of type Project Space or of a derived type, both the master project schedule and sub projects are created, and each sub project is inserted into the newly created master project.

  • Both the master project and the sub projects exist in Project Management.

    When you merge a master schedule and sub project that already exist in Project Management from Microsoft Project, the changes made in the master and sub project are merged with Project Management.

  • The master project exists in Project Management and the sub project is inserted from Microsoft Project.

    You can add a new sub project to a master schedule that is loaded from Project Management to Microsoft Project. A summary task is added of type Project Space or of a derived type in Microsoft Project for the new sub project.

    When you merge the master project from Microsoft Project back to Project Management, a new project is created in Project Management from the summary task information and the new project is inserted as a sub project under an existing master schedule in Project Management.

    Note: A master project must be open in Microsoft Project to insert sub projects in it.

About Linked and Non-Linked Projects

When you insert existing sub projects to a project, a Link to Project option is available in the Insert Project dialog box.

The creation of linked projects will create sub projects.

Non-linked projects are created as summary tasks if the task type is not mentioned. When the task type is specified as Project Space, the non-linked projects are created as sub projects.