Sharing Documents Across 3DEXPERIENCE and Office 365 Folders

You can share files between 3DEXPERIENCE and Office 365 folders from the Synchronize Documents window or directly from Windows Explorer.

Required access roles: Author, Leader, Owner

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Register your Office 365 site with 3DEXPERIENCE.

Share Documents from the Synchronize Documents Window

You can share files between 3DEXPERIENCE and Office 365 folders from the split-pane Synchronize Documents window.

Required access roles: Author, Leader, Owner

  1. Log on to 3DEXPERIENCE.
  2. In either of the following Office applications; Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Windows Explorer, navigate to the 3DEXPERIENCE ribbon.
  3. Click Sync .
    The Synchronize Documents window appears.
  4. In the left pane, open the 3DEXPERIENCE folder that contains the document you want to share.

    The split-pane Synchronize Documents window is an interface that lets you simultaneously open and preview the contents of two folders. You can use the controls provided to share files across them.

  5. In the right pane, open the target Office 365 folder.

    Note: You can open the source (3DEXPERIENCE) folder in either pane of the Synchronize Documents window because you can transfer files in both directions.

  6. Select a document from the 3DEXPERIENCE folder in the left pane and click .

A copy of the document is created in the target Office 365 folder.

  • You can also check in a document to a Office 365 folder from the Synchronize Documents window. To do this, share a document that is already contained in the target folder.
  • You can also transfer documents between two different 3DEXPERIENCE folders from the Synchronize Documents window. To do this, open the respective folders in the two panes of the window.
  • Synchronization of multiple files from 3DEXPERIENCE to Office 365 is not supported.

Share Documents in Windows Explorer

You can share documents between 3DEXPERIENCE and Office 365 folders from Windows Explorer.

Required access roles: Author, Leader, Owner

You can create a copy of a Office 365 document in a 3DEXPERIENCE folder or vice versa (a 3DEXPERIENCE document in a Office 365 folder). To do this, open the folders in two different Windows Explorer windows and drag the document to the target folder.

Note: You can also share documents between two 3DEXPERIENCE folders by this method.
You can also do the following in Windows Explorer:
  • Browse through Office 365 folders and open any document in its native Microsoft Office application.
  • Download a Office 365 document to your computer.
  • Download a Office 365 folder to your computer. To do this, drag the Office 365 folder to a local folder.
  • Check in a document to a Office 365 folder. To do this, use the Synchronize Documents window or drag a document to the target Office 365 folder. The target folder must already contain the document for check-in to take place.