Installing on Tomcat

You can install Materials Compliance Supplier Portal on Tomcat.

Note: The tomcat server for the Materials Compliance Supplier Portal must be different from the tomcat server for Materials Compliance Management.

  1. When you install Materials Compliance Supplier Portal for the first time for a 3DEXPERIENCE server that supports Materials Compliance Management, you must import the certificate as follows:
    1. Enter the URL for the Materials Compliance Management system.
    2. In the browser address box, click the green lock Secure, then click the right arrow on the right side of the box.
    3. Click More Information.
    4. Click the Security tab, then click View Certificate.
    5. Click the Details tab.
    6. Click Export.
    7. On the Materials Compliance Supplier Portal server, import the certificate to java using java’s keytool api. For example:

      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_51\bin\>keytool -importcert -file C:\certificate\-uxdsone3dscom.crt 
           -keystore "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_144\lib\security\jssecacerts" 
           -alias 649plp -storepass changeit

    The next time you launch Materials Compliance Supplier Portal, it uses the certificate to establish a connection to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  2. Define the substance data loader servlet. For more information, see Configuring Substance Data Download.
  3. Update the file to define the server URL. For more information, see Setting Up Materials Compliance Supplier Portal.
  4. Edit the web.xml file to add these lines after filter mapping CASLoginTicketAuthFilter:


    You can find the file at <path to file server>\webapps\enovia\WEB-INF\web.xml. For more information, see Configuring the Substance Data Loader.

  5. Define the URL for REST services deployed in the ENOVIA server:
    1. Use WINZIP to extract the mcc-portal.war file.
    2. Locate the mcc.restservices.url property and modify it as required for your installation:

      #URL of Materials Compliance Central REST Webservices deployed in ENOVIA server

      Update the value of this property with the host, port, and path for your installation.

      The REST services base path token resources in the URL is defined in the platform REST service API variable ModelerBase.REST_BASE_PATH. By default this variable is set to resources.

    3. Add the modified file back into the supplierportal.war file.
  6. To deploy the war file, copy supplierportal.war to \<tomcat-home>\webapps then restart Tomcat.

    After deployment, you should be able to access the portal at http://< host_port_for_your_tomcat>/supplierportal/ (for example: http://qemldb4:8080/supplierportal).

    If needed, a predefined admin user (normally tier1-admin) can be used to connect to the Materials Compliance Management server and perform queries. All requests to the Materials Compliance Management server can be done as that admin user. The portal would simply verify that the portal user existed (the portal depended on some external web server to perform authentication of the portal user).

    The Materials Compliance Supplier Portal presents a challenge screen for the supplier representative to access. For a user to be a valid portal user, the user must be a person in ENOVIA that is connected to an organization via an employee relationship and be assigned the role of Supplier Representative, for example, "MCCSupplierRep".