- Create or open the text file to contain customized properties for supplierportal.properties. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.
To set the time zone used to determine when to purge Material Declarations, follow these steps:
Add or edit this line in the file used to import properties into a page object:
Set the value for this property to the time zone for the location of the server:
GMT+1 Europe
GMT+9 Asia
GMT-7 (default) Americas
To define the time of day in the above time zone when Material Declarations will be purged, follow these steps:
Add or edit this line in the file used to import properties into a page object:
The time value uses a 24-hour clock.
Set the value for this property to the needed time. For example, if this property is set to
5 , purging occurs at 5:00 a.m.
To define the interval after which data is reloaded from Materials Compliance Management, follow these steps:
Add or edit this line in the file used to import properties into a page object:
Set the value for this property to a positive integer (the number of days).
To define the number of days after which an unsubmitted Material Declaration will be purged, follow these steps:
Add or edit this line in the file used to import properties into a page object:
Set the value for this property to a positive integer (number of days).
- When finished updating the text file with all properties you want to modify, including the ones shown here, use the text file to modify the supplierportal.properties page object. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.