Mold Base Configurator creates and configures a Mold Base according to your needs.
From the list, select either
Mold Base with gap for a Mold Base with Inserts, to limit the contact surface between the Core Plate and the Cavity Plate.
Mold Base with overlap for a Mold Base without Inserts, where you want to cut directly the Core Plate and the Cavity Plate. The overlap between the Core Plate and the Cavity Plate ensures the parting surface cuts the plates properly to produce the shape of the plastic part.
Under Mold size specify the dimensions of all the plates (W and
L) of the whole Mold Base. Alternatively, use the rulers.
Select the check boxes of the Plates to insert in the Mold Base or clear the check box to remove one.
Select Remember Selection in the Parameters to keep all the options you have selected for the next time.
Select a Plate in the 3D area and:
Dimension it with the rulers.
Use the context toolbar.
Use Page Down or Page Up to go from one plate to the previous or next
Select a Riser Plate or a Setting Plate and Replace with Housing Plate.
Click to revert to a Riser Plate or to revert to a Setting Plate.
Select Three Plates to create a Mold Base with specific structure and kinematics.
Once this Three PlatesMold Base is created, click Play in the
Compass to see an animation of the kinematics.