Using V5 Tooling Components

You can easily place and reuse an undefined V5 component.

In this task, we consider V5 undefined components, that is a CATPart or CATProduct representing a V5 Tooling Component, that contains a Base point or Base Axis, and possibly several bodies named DrillHole, TapHole, Pad or Pocket. The CATPart or CATProduct has been imported in 3DEXPERIENCE and has not yet been typed as a Smart Mechanical Component.

This task shows you how to:

Define an Undefined V5 Component as a Smart Mechanical Component

You can easily change a undefined V5 component into a Smart Mechanical Component.

  1. Select Add > Import > CATIA File and import the CATPart or CATProduct.
    It is now a 3D Part or a Product.
  2. In Mold Tooling Design, select a geometrical element of the undefined V5 component.
  3. In its context toolbar, select Define Component.
    The undefined V5 component is automatically defined as a Smart Mechanical Component.
    • Required information is retrieved from the naming found in the V5 component.
    • Missing elements are created as necessary:
      • An axis system to become the Hook.
      • Impacting geometries (Assembly Features) based on the bodies found in the V5 component (DrillHole, TapHole, Pad or Pocket).
      • A type based on the name of the V5 component.

Place and Define an Undefined V5 Component

You can quickly place and define an undefined V5 component as Smart Mechanical Component

  1. In Me > Preferences, go to 3D Modeling > Mechanical Systems > Mold Tooling Design > General. Select Define Component during Place Component.

    This enables the typing of an undefined V5 component as a Smart Mechanical Component.

  2. Open the assembly where you want to place the undefined V5 component.
  3. Select a Component Specification.
  4. From its context toolbar, use the Content Chooser to select the undefined V5 component.
    1. Validate in the context toolbar.
    The undefined V5 component has been placed on the Component Specification, and defined as a Smart Mechanical Component.

    The component parameters are displayed.