About Physical Inserts

The dimensions of Inserts are defined in the Concept Mold Skeleton. The corresponding physical Inserts can be chamfered, or filleted. Moreover, they have associated Assembly Features intended to impact the corresponding Plates: Core Plate or Cavity Plate.

The physical Insert (Cavity Insert, Core Insert) is located in the corresponding Print (Cavity Print,Core Print).

The Insert is in the context of its Print. It receives external information:
  • Either from the Interface Skeleton located in the same Print, if any (see Set Your Preferences for more information).
  • Or from the Cooling Part that is dedicated to the conception of injection or cooling.
The Insert is fixed in its Print.
The Insert publishes its geometry:
  • PartBody corresponds to the Rough Insert.
  • SplitInsert corresponds to the formed Insert.

The Insert publishes its Hook.

The Insert publishes its Assembly Features for technological impacts:

  • The main pocket
  • The escape holes.