Importing and Organizing Mold Bases Components from CATParts

Your component manager imports all or only the required Components CATParts into the 3DEXPERIENCE platform (to be done once for a given data base).

This is a quick and easy method: ToolingMigration imports Components ready to use

  1. Optional: For a partial import, to identify required CATParts, start Supplier Catalog Mold Base with the required Mold Base.
    The missing Components are listed in an error message. You need to import the corresponding CATParts.
  2. Start ToolingMigration.

    For more information, see Smart Mechanical Components.

    1. Under Object Selection, go to ..\startup\components\MtdCatalog.
    2. Under Input Options, click Member to import selected CATParts or All.

      CATParts are stored by type, then by the name of the suppliers.

    3. Under Selected operation, select the Generate Component Family check box.

      With this option, you can generate a Mold Base without creating a catalog.

    4. Validate the selection, then click Run.
    • CATParts are imported and defined as Components, with the right type, Hook and Assembly Features.
    • Components families are created for each reference of Components.