You can manage the transparency or visibility of Plates.
Transparency is a graphic property, ranging from 0 (the object is opaque)
to 255 (the object is transparent). By default
Plates are visible.
Their transparency is 95.
Their edges have the color defined in the Preferences.
Making Plates transparent helps you design the Mold Base or analyze its inwards. Making them opaque or hiding them helps you generate machining
features, control created impacts, or create realistic pictures of the Mold Base.
Following commands only affect the graphic properties of the Plates.
Clamping Plate
Upper Bar
Cavity Plate
Cavity Support Plate
Stripper Plate
Core Plate
Core Support Plate
Riser Bar
Setting Plate
Ejector Plate A
Ejector Plate B
User Plate
Objects of the above type created by the user.
Objects of the Insert, Cavity Insert, Core Insert types are not taken into account.
Go to the View section of the action bar.
Select the required command:
Transparent Plates: all the Plates under the active product are made
Opaque Plates: all the Plates under the active product are made
Hide Plates: all the Plates under the active product are hidden.
Show Plates: all the Plates under the active product are shown.
For better performances, make all features and faces of plates
opaque, then change transparency on product level only (Select Apply Plates
transparency of Product only).