Adding and Removing Attributes

You can add and remove attributes, which are similar to parameters. They let you control component attributes at instantiation, such as naming and description and are particularly useful for automating traceability.

This task shows you how to:

Add Attributes to a Template Definition

You can add attributes to a template definition.

  1. Click the Parameters tab .
  2. From the Components Attributes section, select a reference or a representation.
  3. Select the attribute type.
  4. Enter a name for the new added attribute.
  5. Click Add to display the attribute in the Components attributes section.

Remove Attributes from a Template Definition

At least one attribute must be available for selection when removing attributes from the tree.

  1. From the tree select the attribute to be removed.
  2. Remove the attribute by choosing one of the methods below:
    • Click Remove selected parameters from template definition.
    • From the tree, right-click the attributes to be removed and click Remove selected attributes from template definition.