Creating an Engineering Template Using the Replace Behavior

You can create an engineering template using Add Selected Components to Components to Replace. This behavior lets you replace geometry references, such as a part or subassembly in a product structure.

Important: You must be granted deletion rights on the objects you created for your templates to function correctly.
  • You can ignore unused publications from the replaced components during instantiation of Engineering Templates in a physics simulation.
  • You can Replace a reference in the engineering template under the following conditions:
    • There should not be any pointing component outside the component that needs to be replaced. If there are unused pointing components, the equivalence should also be present to replace the component.

    • If a component to be replaced contains publications, the replacing component requires publication equivalence.
    • Instantiation is impossible when there are missing unused publications and no logical equivalence is identified.
    • It is integrated within the replace mechanism.
  • A reference is accepted as a replacement at instantiation if:
    • Its publications are identical to those of the replaced.
    • The modeler replace mechanism successfully rerouted all links to the replacing reference.

Before you begin: Import and open the EngineeringTemplateReplace.3dxml file located in the startup\Knowledgeware\PKT\EngineeringTemplateReplace Samples.
See Also
Creating an Engineering Template Using the Duplicate Feature
  1. From the Compass, click 3D Modeling Apps and select Engineering Templates.
  2. In the Components tab, click Add Reference.
    Note: The Action to perform after duplication option lets you, for each root of the template, to select the Instantiate in a Product or the Open option.
  3. Enter the name of the assembly in the Search box of the top bar and click Search to search for the assembly you saved.
  4. Select the assembly and click OK.
  5. From the Unchanged Components section, select all the components and click .
    All the components are now located in the Components to process section.
    Note: No link is created between the template and the components located in the Unchanged Components section. If you close and reopen the template, the unchanged components might not appear again if they are not linked to the components to process.
  6. Modify the instantiation behavior of one of the elements and define Replace. To do so, right-click the element and select Add Selected Components to Components to Replace.
    The behavior at instantiation is specified as Replace.
    Note: To define an element to replace, you can:
    • Right-click it and select Add Selected Components to Components to Replace.
    • Click once in the Behavior at Instantiation box and select the required behavior.
    Note: One component can replace another if:
    • Their publications are identical at the root level.
    • The reroute process occurs normally. The reroute process is delegated to the pointing components.
  7. Save your template and close it.