About the Global Configuration Object

The Global Configuration Object (GCO) contains attributes that configure the Connector for Cadence OrCAD. This topic describes the attributes to help you decide how to configure the Connector for Cadence OrCAD to meet your business requirements.

You can choose to configure each attribute individually as shown by the link in each section to the procedure for that attribute. Or, you can choose to create a script and update all the required attributes at the same time.

This page discusses:

Group ID

You can group different types of objects so that they can always be checked in at the same time, such as a Project and Variant combination.

All CadTypes with the same Group ID are grouped together. Any CadTypes without this Group ID carry an individual Group ID and do not belong to the group.

During the login process, the attribute ECADInteg-GroupId is received from 3DEXPERIENCE and is used during check in. Object selection in the check in dialog box causes the Connector for Cadence OrCAD to evaluate the selection against the Group ID. Objects that belong to the same Group ID are either selected or cleared based on the value of the Select Children Save option:

  • If Select Children is set to FALSE, selecting a Variant object results in the selection of the Project if they belong to the same Group ID.
  • If Select Children is set to TRUE, selecting a Variant object results in the selection of the Project and all the objects under the Project if they belong to the same Group ID.

The standard functionality respects the value of the Select Children Save option.

For instructions on setting the Group ID, see Defining Group IDs for Enforcing Related-Object Check-ins.

Derived Output Parameter File

The Connector for Cadence OrCAD supports downloading and executing Derived Output Parameter Files prior to creating derived output. These files let the Administrator provide customized scripts to end users.

A Derived Output Parameter object can provide additional information to create derived outputs during the check-in operation. When the user selects a Derived Output Parameter object for a specific derived output, the Connector downloads the java script and executes it.

The Derived Output Parameter object can contain these files:

  • Mandatory control script that uses this naming convention:

    Example: myParameter-mill.js

    This file must be checked into the generic format of the Derived Output Parameter object.

  • Additional and optional support scripts

    These files can use any logical naming convention, and can be used within the javascript file. The java script files must be checked into the Derive Output Format of the parameter object.

The Connector uses these attributes of the Global Configuration Object to define the derived output parameters:

  • IEF-DerivedOutputParameterObjTypeMapping defines the types of Derived Output Parameter that are available for specific mapped derived output types.

    Value syntax:

    <DerivedOutput MappedType1>|<ParameterObjecttype1>
    <DerivedOutput MappedType2>|<ParameterObjecttype2>….

    Example value: mill|Derived Output Parameter

  • IEF- DerivedOutputTypeDefaultParameterObjectMapping defines the default Derived Output parameter object for the mapped derived output type. This object defines the default shown in the Derived Output page when checking in, or is used when the no checkin option is selected.

    Value syntax:

    <DerivedOutput MappedType1>,<Default Parameter Object1>
    <DerivedOutput MappedType2>,<Default Parameter Object1>

    Example value: mill|Derived Output Parameter,DOP-1,A

For instructions on configuring the Derived Output Parameter object, see Derived Output Parameter File.

Check-in Revision Behavior

You can use the ECADInteg-CheckinRevisionBehavior attribute to configure the check-in process.

You can choose any of these values for this attribute:

Value Description
Allow Revisioning When checking in an object, users can only select NEXT in the Revision column and cannot create a manual revision level. All available revisions are listed, and the list box cannot be edited.


Disallow Revisioning When checking in an object, users cannot select any value in the Revision column. All available revisions are listed, and the list box cannot be edited.

If the design object does not exist in 3DEXPERIENCE and the user does not have Revisioning access, the user cannot create the object in 3DEXPERIENCE.

Manual Revisioning When checking in an object, users can select NEXT or manually enter a revision value. That value is used and the revision level for the checked in object. All available revisions are listed.

For instructions on setting the check-in revision behavior, see Specifying Revision Types Available for Check-in.

Role-Based Access to Commands

You can use the ECADInteg-CSEDisabledCommands attribute to change the baseline behavior to specify which access roles are required for a user to be able to execute a command.

During the login process, the attribute ECADInteg-CSEDisabledCommands is received from 3DEXPERIENCE and is used to enable or disable commands for access roles. If a user does not have the required access role for a command, that command is grayed out.

These are the commands you can configure:

Command Description
createworkspace Create a workspace
deleteworkspace Delete a workspace
renameworkspace Rename a workspace
createproject Create a project
renameproject Rename a project
deleteproject Delete a project
createfolder Create a folder in a workspace or project
renamefolder Rename a folder in a workspace or project
deletefolder Delete a folder from a workspace or project
movefolder Move a folder to another parent workspace, project, or folder
deletecadobject Delete a CAD object
lifecycle Promote or demote a CAD object
assignfolder Add a CAD object to a folder
removefromfolder Remove a CAD object from a folder

These are the access roles that you can specify.

Access Role UI Display
VPLMViewer Reader
VPLMCreator Author
VPLMExperimenter Contributor
VPLMProjectLeader Leader
VPLMProjectAdministrator Owner
VPLMAdmin Administrator

You can also specify enabled to let all access rules execute that command, or disabled to prevent any access role from executing that command.

For instructions on configuring commands for role-based access, see Controlling Access to Commands Based on Access Roles.

Enforce Folder on Save

The Administrator can enforce whether a CAD object needs to be assigned to a workspace folder during Save To 3DEXPERIENCE.

To administer this rule, update the ECADInteg-EnforceFolderOnSave attribute for the ECADInteg-GlobalConfig object.

If you set the value for this attribute to TRUE, you must add all CAD objects to folders before they can be saved. The Save Tobrowse box lets you select a folder for the CAD objects being saved.

If you set the value to FALSE, you do not have to select a folder for CAD objects being saved.

For instructions on setting a value for this attribute, see Enforcing That a Folder Is Selected When Saving Objects.

User Settings

During the login process, the Connector for Cadence OrCAD retrieves several preference values used in various dialog boxes.

If a user changes one of the settings, the 3DEXPERIENCE values overwrite their changes. These attributes set preferences: they do not restrict the user. The user can change these values as required. No user changes to preferences are saved to 3DEXPERIENCE. The next time you log in, the 3DEXPERIENCE preferences are reset.

Attribute Name Setting Name in the Connector for Cadence OrCAD
IEF-Pref-MCADInteg-CreateIterationOnCheckin Create Iteration On Checkin
IEF-Pref-MCADInteg-LockObjectOnCheckin Retain Lock After Checkin
IEF-Pref-IEF-DefaultConfigTables Default View
IEF-Pref-MCADInteg-SelectChildItems Select Children
IEF-Pref-MCADInteg-LockObjectOnCheckout Lock Objects on Checkout
IEF-Pref-MCADInteg-CheckOutDirectory Checkout Directory
IEF-Pref-IEF-DefaultLateralView Default Table View
IEF-Pref-IEF-SelectedManualDerivedOutputs Manual
IEF-Pref-MCADInteg-SelectedDerivedOutputs Automatic

You can update the values for these attributes the same way as the attributes described above.