attributeExists Element

This topic describes the <attributeExists> XML element.

General syntax
<attributeExists name="regexp" [value="regexp" regexpid="id_name" invert="false"] />
Description Tests if an attribute exists. The optional value defined matches if the attribute has the given value. When found first matching attribute all child instructions of the node will be executed (no further test if more than one matches available and no further execution of the child instruction for further matches). This test is an alias instruction for the test Element.
Attributes Name Use Annotation
name required Defines the name of attribute. It can be either a string or any Regular Expression.
value optional Defines the value of ‘name’. The value can be either a string or any Regular Expression reference. If the optional attribute value is omitted, then the test will basically just execute an existence check. If the value attribute is defined, then the test is successful if the value matches the pattern.
regexpid optional Defines the unique id within the namespace to reference the test using regular expressions.

Allowed character set: [p{Alnum}\_\-] = [a-z A-Z 0-9 _ -]

invert optional The boolean value “true” inverts the behavior of the instruction. If the attribute is not configured the default value “false” is used and the behavior of the instruction is not inverted. If the value is set to true and the criteria do not match, the child instructions will be executed.
<!-- tests if at least one attributes name starts with SYMBOL_ by using a regular expression--> 
<attributeExists name="SYMBOL_(.*)" /> 

<!-- tests if at least one attributes name is starting with SYMBOL_ by using a regular expression and 
     if its value starts with SYM exists --> 
<attributeExists name="SYMBOL_(.*)" value="SYM(.*)/>